Tuesday, February 25, 2014

This and that.......

It's been a good long while since my last blog post and the past couple of days I've felt compelled to write about something, but I'm not exactly training for anything and that's really the reason I started this.  So, let's hit the highlights of the past couple of months.

FINALLY it is baseball season.  By the end of each season I'm so ready for it to be over.  I'm ready to sleep in my own bed during a weekend and I'm ready to just sit down with friends and watch baseball.  No, I never get tired of watching baseball but I do get tired of the work that it is and the balancing act that is the real job, baseball, travel, running and attempting to have some form of a social life.  By the time January rolls around, I'm like a cocaine addict that needs a fix.  Jonesing for the 90+ mph fastball and the filthy slider, the smell of fresh cut grass, warmer temperatures and the roar of a small or large crowd. I'm blessed that some of my best friends understand the need for a fix like this.  I'm also blessed that some of my best friends are umpires too.  While I love the game of baseball, if I didn't enjoy most of the guys that I work with, I'm not sure I would have stayed with it all these year.  Valentine's day weekend is typically always opening weekend of the NCAA baseball season, thank goodness!  While some guys get suckered into another commercialized holiday, I get to put on the gear and get a much needed fix!

Well, now that it's baseball season, and the fact that it's been so stinkin' cold, I haven't been doing a lot of running.  I'm still getting in 20-30 miles a week, but that's a relatively low number for me.  This week could see an increase in those numbers.  The first couple of weeks of baseball season have me traveling about locally, require a daily drive, and I find myself out socializing with the guys.  Wouldn't have it any other way.  This weekend begins the weekend long travel and I'll at least be in the city where I'm working all weekend.

I did however buy a new gadget.  Since the Garmin 620 was released I've been drooling.  On a weekly basis I would research the product to see new reviews, look for issues with it and drool more over all the features.  I decided that I 'needed' this one, so the purchase was made.  I'm overwhelmed with the amount of data that it gives me to review.  I'm slowly figuring it out and will begin to work toward making changes that could reduce/increase some of my numbers and improve my running efficiency.  Today however, I think my new Gadget had a glitch!  I went out for a 7 mile stroll (8:00 pace) and in trying to figure out the watch looked a few of the new screens.  The 'Race Predictor' is one of the new features of the 620 and I hadn't yet seen it.  I absolutely laughed out loud when I saw that it was predicting a 2:53 marathon for me!  I almost stopped what I was doing and took it back, asking for a refund!  While I'm not certain that's a fair prediction, I'm not going to argue with it and maybe, just maybe it knows something I don't!

Mom and Dad
As I sit here typing, I have huge smile on my face.  My parents have reached retirement age and Dad has been retired for a couple of years now.  Mom went to work one day last week to tell her boss that it was soon to be her time to retire.  Well, seems the boss had a bit of news for Mom.  Retirement was going to unofficially begin earlier than planned.  Mom was being laid off.  My phone rang mid-morning the next day.  Now, Mom doesn't make a habit of calling during the work day, so when I saw her name I immediately answered.  I can't tell you the last time I heard so much joy in my Mom's voice.  How many people you know that are happy about getting laid-off?  One, Uno, Un!  My Mom!!!  I could see her smile through the phone line.  And honestly, I hope that she could see mine too.  I'm so happy for both Mom and Dad that every day when I think about them I can't help but smile or laugh.  My parents have worked hard their entire lives to make sure that my brother, sister and I had everything we needed and then some.  Enjoy your retirement Mom and Dad!  Love you both so much and absolutely could not be happier for you!

What's next......
Well, the next few months are all about work, baseball and trying to stay in some sort of running shape.  My next attempt at the marathon will be the New York City Marathon on November 2nd.  That gives me a bit of time to relax after baseball season before really increasing the mileage to chase down the next marathon goal.  I still believe that I have a lot to learn about my training and even my abilities.  I need to continue to be a student of running and listening to those that are either faster or more experienced than I.  And thanks again to all of you that have answered and continue to answer my questions.  That goal you might ask?  3 hours is very much in sight.  I think 2:59:59 is the magic number.  

Oh, and now that you've read my ramblings, check out the tweet in the window to the right.  Let's make Opening Day of Major League Baseball Season a National Holiday, as it should be!  Click on the URL and sign the petition!

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