Tuesday, June 17, 2014

....and so it begins

The one thing that is constant is change.  It seems that since my last writing here, I've been reminded of this almost daily.  Sometimes change is bad and it forces each of us to take a focused look at what we're doing and figure out how to do it better.  Sometimes change is good and it gives us an opportunity to be thankful for the blessings that we've been given.  In some ways, over the last six months, I've experienced both of these.  Now, running season is upon me and it's time to see if I can chase down another PR.  

Just a short recap of the past six months or so.  Baseball season started (good change), layoff from my job (bad change), started new contract position (good change), running miles very low (bad change), incredible new job opportunity (good change), baseball season ends (good change), travel every week for work (big challenge).  As stated earlier, the one constant over the past six months has been change.  Slowly I'm figuring it all out.  There was panic at first, then rejoicing, and now just settling into what is becoming the routine.  

As I'm writing this, the Boston Athletic Association (BAA), administrators of the Boston Marathon announce the registration procedure for the 2015 race.  As I scan through the website I get cold chills when I see that Monday, September 15th at 10:00 a.m. ET is the date that I can officially commit to running the Boston Marathon.  That doesn't mean that I'm in just yet, but it does mean that I have a chance.  It seems so surreal to think that I ran my first marathon in October of 2009 as an overweight, out of shape guy that just wanted to check something off the bucket list and to try to get into shape.  I had a shape alright.....round.  Wow, what a significant turn around.  

So, speaking of marathons, two weeks from now I will officially begin my training plan for the New York City Marathon on November 2nd.  For me, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in one of the world's greatest races.  Millions of people (yes, plural) line the streets of NYC to cheer on the 50,000 runners that take on the challenge that is the marathon.  Can you even imagine a million people?  I can't!  And then two or three times that???  WOW!  Just wow!  New York......I'm coming for you and I'm bringing my best to tame your streets in less than 3 hours.  

Last summer during my training for Chicago, I took on the challenge of raising my mileage to a maximum of 80-85 miles per week.  Fortunately, that worked out extremely well and produced a 19 minute PR in Chicago and qualified me for Boston.  This summer is going to present another challenge.  My work schedule now has me in Florida Monday through Thursday.  Fortunately, I travel on Sunday evening, which shouldn't interfere with my training assuming I get my butt out of bed, and on Thursday evening.  In my training plans, Thursday is typically that built-in off-day.  It will become a challenge however when my weekly mileage gets close to that 80-85 mile mark when I need to run on Thursday just to get the miles.  There is also a missing element here in Naples.....HILLS.  One of the workouts that I most enjoy during marathon training is a good hill workout.  It's sadistic to say that, but when finished with a hill workout, I know I'm a better runner because of it.  I've spent the last month scoping out bridges and parking garages for something that resembles a hill.  Seriously, a parking garage??? haha!

And so it begins.  Running season is upon us (me).  People are starting to train for fall/winter races and the temperatures are rising.  To all my runner friends, I wish you the best of luck in whichever race you decide to take on this fall/winter.  

While running a couple of days ago in Naples, I passed an elderly lady on the sidewalk who said "It's too hot for you..." in a very thick New Jersey accent.  I responded by saying, "Oh honey, we're just getting started!!", and with a smile I was gone!  As Lou Holtz once said, "No one ever drowned in sweat."  Let's get this party started!!!  

Till next time, to steal a line from my favorite sock-maker, Swiftwick, "Do What Moves You!"

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