Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week 2 - NYC

Summertime is very much here and training is underway.  Physically, I feel good, not great.  I'm struggling a bit with motivation right now to keep pushing through the miles.  I almost feel like my mileage hasn't yet reached that threshold of 'serious' training.  I know that I have to work on this and get to a complete focus if I want to achieve my BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal). 

Monday - 30 Minute Tempo
I haven't done a real tempo run since last November and really didn't know what to expect as I started out.  I had planned to see if I could drop the pace down to about 7:20 and hold that for 30 minutes.  I had also planned to get this run done before heading to work on this morning.  It was pouring rain when the alarm started blaring at me and I got in an extra hour or so of sleep.  Luckily, the sun didn't come out until late in the day and I was able to do this run at lunch in somewhat comfortable conditions.  After a warm-up mile (7:54), I started dropping the pace to see what I could do.  7:29, :30, :22, :18, :12 and a 'cool-down' half mile at 7:23.  The 7:12 seemed to be the mile of least effort.  Maybe I need to re-evaluate my paces for these runs?  6.47 miles.

Tuesday - 6 Miles
The training calendar calls for 6 miles.  The weather calls for something more.  Again, great conditions for a run.  It was very hot when I started but a big storm cloud rolled in bringing a cool breeze that begged for me to run.  Doing 'out & back' routes for me is a good thing.  I'm always aggressive and confident in the first few miles (and not very good at math), but know that have to get back and running is the only option.  After coming off a faster run, I didn't expect to run this fast.  7.45 @ 7:30 pace.  Now I know that I need to re-evaluate my speed paces.

Wednesday - 6 Miles
The heat returns.  Heat Index of 107 as I leave the office to do this run.  I knew after two faster days of running that I must take this one slower and the heat reinforced this.  6.57 @ 7:54.  This one hurt.  Probably more than it should.  Not sure if it was the speed of the prior couple of days or if the heat really hurt me that much.  Either way, I was glad when this one was done.  

Thursday - OFF DAY
Very quickly, this is becoming my favorite day of the week!  ;)

Friday - 7 Miles
Back home and glad to be able to unpack the suitcase for a week.  Word is that the 'Polar Vortex' is returning.  Good timing to be home for a week.  Luckily, the humidity is low, whereas the temperature is not.  90'ish degrees for a late afternoon run on the greenway after my first swim of the training season.  My body is beginning to question what the heck we are doing!  I once was very bored with this route because I ran it way too often.  Now with the incredibly flat ground of South Florida as my weekday training ground, I'm excited to run this.  Friday's are marathon pace runs and this one got a bit closer.  7.18 miles @ 7:31 pace.  Felt a bit 'weak' in the core, but I attribute that to the swim.  

Saturday - 13 Miles
Decided to run with Christopher, Lindsey, Emily and others.  The route would be opposite of the PR Bandits, PWP to Radnor route.  We altered the route a couple of times, even from the start.  The first 5 miles were pretty good and then we stopped for what seemed like an eternity for a water break.  I feel as though I drank too much water while we were stopped and never really recovered from this.  I was also feeling this run in my core from the prior day's swim.  Very quickly this became miserable and I just wanted it over.  12 miles @ 7:52 pace.  I think I needed one of these difficult mental runs to bring me to a more complete focus.  Walking away from a run where I come up short on the mileage haunts me until the next day's run when I can get it out of my system.  This one would be no different.  It was there, at the forefront of my mind, the remainder of the day.

Sunday - 6 Miles
The intent for Sunday is simply time on the feet and to get the legs moving again.  I feel like I type that sentence every time I write one of these things, but it's very important for me to remember and focus on during these runs.  6.59 miles @ 8:00 pace.  This felt surprisingly good considering the temp, the swim two hours earlier, and the prior day's mental struggle.  

Overall a very good week.  I know that I need to re-evaluate my training paces for my faster runs.  I also know that I need to start focusing on some core strength.  Being home for a week gives me an opportunity to do both.  With a polar vortex moving in, I should be able to determine what a true pace feels like and adjust from there.  Just over 46 total miles for the week with a couple of good swims.   

2 weeks down, 16 to go.  

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