Monday, July 7, 2014

NYC - Week 1

Wow, it really is here.  The TCS New York City Marathon is 17 weeks away.  That seems like forever as I sit here writing, but I know that it's coming quick and it's time to get ultra-focused and start paying attention to the details of my running, diet, and rest schedules.  I've said for the past couple of years that I don't want to start out my training plan struggling to complete the workouts.  For me, I want the first 3-4 weeks of the training plan to be about the daily run and dialing in my paces for specific workouts.  That said, the week prior to the first week of training resulted in a 48 mile week with a 14 mile 'long' run right at 8 minute pace.  This was the highest mileage in a week for me since mid-November and thankfully my body felt really good after this.  I needed this week for the confidence that it gives going into the first couple of weeks of dedicated training.  

Monday - 4x1 Mile Repeats @ 6:30'ish
Really, is this how we're going to start this out??  Actually, the training plan called for hill repeats, but working in Naples doesn't exactly create easy opportunities for hill repeats, so, to the track I go.  I've also been trying to run in the heat of the day down here to acclimate my body to those conditions.  It's getting a bit easier, but I know that it'll never be truly easy.  It was 92 degrees with a heat index of 106 when I left the office.  I knew this was going to be tough but, after a 1.25 mile warm-up run from the hotel to the track, I nailed the first two miles and was just a bit off on the 3rd and 4th.  I'll take it for the first hard workout of the plan.  Then I had to drag my butt back to the hotel 1.25 miles away.  That might have been the hardest part of the workout.  Total elevation gain during the run..........5 feet! 

Tuesday - 6 Miles
Another lunch time run.  90 degrees with a heat index above 100.  I took this one nice and easy as the legs were feeling the prior day's workout.  Just under 6.5 miles at 8:00 pace.   Total elevation gain......10 feet!  WooHoo!!! 

Wednesday - 6 Miles
This was supposed to be a bit of a faster workout, almost like a tempo run.  The heat however had other ideas for my body and the run. Another 90 degree day with a heat index above 100.  After a mile to warm-up and ease into it, I tried to pick up the pace and there was absolutely nothing in the tank.  Two miles in I was soaked in sweat again and frustrated.  I decided to pull the plug on this workout and run again later in the evening when the temp wasn't so intense.  4.3 miles.  Total elevation gain......10 feet! Seriously....can a brotha get a hill to run???

After work I got back to the hotel and took my time getting back out on the street.  I could very much tell a difference in the conditions when I finally got back out.  The plan was to only do the two miles necessary to get my 6 for the day, but what's the point of getting all sweaty for just 2 miles, right?  3.6 miles and just under 8 total for the day.  Total elevation gain.....9 feet.  I am not amused!  


Friday - 6 Miles (Half the distance of the long run)
Welcome home.  I tried to gather a couple of people to run on this morning because I knew the temp would be nice, but most everyone was either racing or complained about my planned pace.  I wanted to do 6 to 8 miles at 7:30 pace.  I like to try to get my Friday runs down close to marathon pace.  While this isn't quite marathon pace yet, it would give me a good idea of how out of shape, or not, I am.  So, when no one wanted to join me, I decided to sleep until I woke up.  Hello 11:00 a.m.!  Guess I was wiped out.  I took my time, grabbed a coffee, had some breakfast, started some laundry and then decided it was time to knock out my run.  I ran from my house and through the neighborhood for 6.5 miles at 7:25 pace.  That felt incredibly good and was a huge boost of confidence.  I really didn't think I could pull off that pace.  Total elevation gain.....280 feet.  I really love running some Tennessee hills and think my body does too.  

Saturday - 12 Miles
During my first 3 years or so of marathoning, I always did my long runs alone.  Now, I don't know why I chose to do that.  A couple of summers ago a 'Facebook group' was started called PR Bandits.  A group of people that simply wanted to continue to run long following the Country Music Marathon and through the summer.  It's turned into a great group of people that are there for all sorts of reasons; training for the next marathon, triathlon, or just trying to stay in some sort of shape.  There are all different paces and everyone fits in somewhere.  This weekend's run was in my backyard and I had to make this one.  Friday night ended up being a bit later than planned because of firework related traffic, but I was up at 4:30 a.m. to be there and running by 6:00.  The group was small on this morning as most people raced or were out too late the day/night prior, but it was 57 degrees at start time and I wasn't about to miss this.  Christopher Murrey has become my Saturday morning pace partner.  Today, he's in much better shape than I and could probably drop me very easily if he wanted.  We ran together the previous Saturday and did so again on this day.  We decided we wanted to be at about 7:45 average pace for the day and proceeded to get after it.  12.34 miles at 7:44 pace.  I'd say we nailed it!  Great run.  Total elevation gain..........542 feet.  That's better!!! 

Sunday - 6 Miles (Half the distance of the long run)
The Sunday run is supposed to be a nice, easy recovery effort.  I'm not very good at this as I tend to get loose and just run with what's comfortable.  That tends to become a much faster run that a 'recovery effort' is intended.  One thing I want to focus on during this 18 weeks is the execution of each workout.  I was very intent today on keeping this slow and easy while mixing in a few more hills.  6.6 miles with 281 feet of elevation gain.  

Overall this was a very good start to the training.  I'm very much satisfied with my efforts and my willingness to adjust on the fly.  I like being very regimented and try to stick to the plan come hell or high water, but I've got to learn how to relax with that a bit and do exactly what I did in the middle of this week.  46.5 miles for the week.  One down, 17 to go!  

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